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GS Geography MPSC

Geography is an important subject in the General Studies paper of the MPSC exam. It covers a wide range of topics related to physical geography, human geography, environmental geography, and geographical concepts. Here are the details of the Geography subject in the MPSC exam:

  1. Syllabus: The Geography syllabus in the MPSC exam includes topics like Physical Geography, Human Geography, Environmental Geography, Economic Geography, and Geographical Concepts.
  2. Physical Geography: The Physical Geography section covers topics like Geomorphology, Climatology, Oceanography, and Biogeography.
  3. Human Geography: The Human Geography section covers topics like Population, Settlements, Migration, Regional Development, and Social Geography.
  4. Environmental Geography: The Environmental Geography section covers topics like Natural Hazards, Environmental Conservation, Environmental Pollution, and Sustainable Development.
  5. Economic Geography: The Economic Geography section covers topics like Agriculture, Industry, Trade, and Transport.
  6. Geographical Concepts: The Geographical Concepts section covers topics like Maps, Cartography, GIS, Remote Sensing, and Spatial Planning.
  7. Maharashtra Geography: The Geography section of the MPSC exam also includes questions related to Maharashtra Geography, such as the physiography of Maharashtra, climate, agriculture, industry, and transport in Maharashtra.
  8. Importance of Maps: Maps play a crucial role in the Geography section of the MPSC exam. Candidates must have a good understanding of different types of maps, their uses, and interpretation.

In conclusion, Geography is an important subject in the General Studies paper of the MPSC exam. Candidates should have a strong foundation in Physical Geography, Human Geography, Environmental Geography, Economic Geography, and Geographical Concepts. Understanding Maharashtra Geography and different types of maps is also crucial for success in this subject.

Best MPSC Coaching classes in India

When it comes to preparing for competitive exams like the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC). Choosing the right MPSC Coaching Classes in India plays a crucial role in determining your success. Among the myriad of options available, Lakshya Academy stands out as one of the Best MPSC Coaching in India. With its exceptional track record, […]

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भारताचे स्थान आणि विस्तार

भारताचे स्थान आणि विस्तार विषुववृत्तामुळे पृथ्वी उत्तर गोलार्ध आणि दक्षिण गोलार्ध अशा दोन भागात विभागली गेली आहे. भारताचे स्थान उत्तर गोलार्धात आहे. त्याचप्रमाणे ०° रेखावृत्ताने पृथ्वीची उभी पूर्व गोलार्ध व पश्चिम गोलार्ध अशी विभागणी केली असून, त्यादृष्टीने भारताचे स्थान पूर्व गोलार्धात आहे म्हणजेच पृथ्वीवरील भारताचे स्थान उत्तर-पूर्व गोलार्धात आहे. आशिया खंडाचा विचार करता आशिया खंडाची

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