How To Read Newspaper For UPSC / IAS Exam
What comes into students’ minds when they are preparing for Civil Service Exam is How To Read Newspaper For UPSC, IAS Exam. There are many newspapers available in the market that prefer Hindu and Indian Express, some students also read business times. According to my, Hindu and Indian Express are equally important.
Now let’s talk about the important stuff that matters, that is how to read The newspaper For UPSC ExamI will discuss some tips hopefully these tips will help you.
What to read in the newspaper for UPSC
- Do not cut and paste any article: the first thing is you do not cut and paste any article, has seen people taking scissors and cutting the article see this approach does not work why does not work because at the end of the day they are physical and they will tear off even if they do not tear off you didn’t get time to revise them.
- How many newspapers have to be read: Do not try to read more than one newspaper at one time because it will take more time. For example, if you do not finish reading one newspaper, how can you start another newspaper. So read one newspaper properly it will enough.
- Financial Newspaper: do not subscribe to any financial newspaper like Economic Times, Financial Express it is not needed at all.
- Do not make notes: Do not make notes from it, just
- write key phrases: words, and facts from the article, if you fall in love with an article, bookmark it. and focus on these types of articles which mention current New and international importance in national importance also use the syllabus topics issues these issues will help you in General Studies Paper 2.

Which Pages We Have to Read for UPSC?
Important Pages in Newspaper for UPSC :
1. Main page
- Read all the headlines
- Few important articles are there, if ever. Mostly redirects to pages 9-11
- So, avoid spending more than 5 minutes
2. International
- Most deal with deaths, protests, and political upheavals Largely useless
- Rather than tracking them on day to day basis, read them at the end of the month from wiki or current affairs module Very few are worth reading
3. National
- Read important news like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka water sharing, and tribunal
- Youth are educated yet unemployed
- Can Rajasthan’s universal health care model be emulated in entire read like this articles
4. State
- Different in different cities Differs even within NCR! UPSC knows this so will not ask questions from it AVOID it at all cost
5. Business/ Finance
- Read all the articles from government sources, like Arvind Mayaram, Raghuram Rajan Relating to SEBI, IRDA, RBI, Inflation Demographic dividend, Budget
- Avoid interviews, profit & loss news, quarterly reports, salaries of CEO, fluctuations in share, rupee, dollar, gold, silver, etc
6. Science and Technology
- Read all major articles : Avoid one in small fonts and on the right side and bottom
- Make good notes from this section as many questions will be askedn directly plus they are extremely volatile esp. for non-science background
7. Agriculture and allied sections
- Comes sometimes important Reladed to Farmers bill or Scheme then read that otherwise Avoid completely
8. Sports
- 2-3 pages every day
- Avoid it completely
9.Last page
- Rarely important news Sometimes, they talk about humanitarian issues, read them
- Avoid archaeological news, recovery of stolen artifacts, new coins unearthed, new clothes found, new frog species, etc.
Which Pages We Have to Read?
There are five to six pages that are important from the point of view of the civil service examination which we have to focus on. pages which are very important from the newspaper include front page, news on Nation page, editorial page, business and economy page then world page which consists of world news and last page which is important for science and technology part. Now some pages are not so important from an exam perspective that you can skip. You can skip the sports page if there is one page entirely dedicated to political news you can skip that.
What to read in the newspaper for UPSC?
Read important topics like India development, training, demographic, dividend, poverty, Judicial review, electoral, reforms, Planning Commission, as well as words related to environment and ecology, biodiversity, hotspots, global warming, critically, endangered, species, climate change. in geography will see many concepts like any disaster like Tsunami, earthquake, landslides monsoon, trough these kinds of things articles if they are covered similarly finally the analysis of new and flagship schemes like new scheme Civil Code bill flagship schemes.
Reading one newspaper enough for UPSC?
Daily reading of newspapers is enough for UPSC students, it is important for them to cover all the topics in that newspaper.
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