MPSC Exam Pattern 2022 and MPSC Posts List
There are three stages in MPSC State Service Examination which is important to understand MPSC Exam Pattern.
- Prelims Exam
- Mains Exam
- Interview
According to MPSC Exam Pattern, their isPre-Exam is of 400 marks, Main Exam is of 800 marks and Interview is of 100 marks. The candidate has to clear in one stage to be eligible for the next stage i.e. if he wants to appear for the main exam then he has to clear the prelim first or pass the main exam to give an interview. The mpsc exam is conducted by the government of Maharashtra. Practice previous year’s question papers.
MPSC Prelims Exam
detailed information about the pre-exam and MPSC Prelims Exam Pattern. The pre-exam has two papers: Paper 1 (GS) and Paper 2 (CSAT).

Paper 1 (GS)
- Marks: 200
- Language: Marathi and English
- Time: 2 Hr
- Type of Question Paper: multiple-choice questions
GS Paper 1 has 100 MCQ in the paper and it has 200 marks, that is, two marks for one question and we can give this paper in Marathi and English Language (Media). It means we can attempt papers in both Marathi and English languages. The duration is two hours and the format of the questions is objective multiple-choice questions. Questions can be asked on the topic History, Geography, Politics, Current, Environment, and Economy.
Paper 2 (CSAT)
- Marks: 200
- Language: Marathi and English
- Time: 2 Hr
- Question Paper Type: multiple-choice questions
CSAT Paper pattern contains 80 questions for 200 marks there is one m.c.q. It is for 2.5 marks. m.c.q. It is available in both Marathi and English languages. two hours are given by the MPSC Commission to solve papers and this paper is of multiplee choice objective questions.
MPSC Mains Exam
- Paper: 6
- Total Marks: 800
Exam Pattern OF Mains are following For all subjects

1) Paper 1
- Marks: 100
- Language: Marathi and English
- Time : 3 Hr
- Type of Question Paper is Descriptive
The first paper consists of two Sections, Marathi and English. This is a descriptive(You have to write the answers) type of paper in which m.c.q. Are not given. In this paper, there are three questions asked in both subjects. The first is essay writing(25 marks). The second is a translation(15 marks) And the third is summary writing(10 marks). Paper 1 is for 100 marks as the Marathi section is for 50 marks and the English section is for 50 marks. There is a time of 3 hours for both these papers. There is a single joint question paper for both the subjects but the answer sheet is different for Marathi and different for English.
2) Paper 2 :
- Marks: 100
- Language: Marathi and English
- Time : 3 Hr
- Type of Question Paper: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
This paper has to be given in Marathi and English in two papers. in which Marathi is for 50 marks and English is for 50 marks but this paper is based on multiple-choice questions. This paper has a negative marking system. But If one of your questions goes wrong, your 0.25 menace ¼ th marks is less for it.
3) Paper 3 (General Studies 1):
- Marks: 150
- Language: Marathi and English
- Time: 2 Hours
- Type Question Paper: MCQ
150 questions are asked in this paper and this paper is for 150 marks i.e. each question is for one mark. This paper can be given in both Marathi and English languages and also give two hours for this paper. The format of this paper is a multiple-choice question. It asks about the history and geography of India and Maharashtra.
4) Paper 4 (General Studies 1):
GS 2 paper is based on Indian polity and also includes some laws & acts.
- Marks: 150
- Language: Marathi and English
- Time: 2 Hr
- Type of Question Paper: MCQ
5) Paper 5(General Studies 3):
This paper is for HR and HRD The questions asked here are based on human resources and human development.
- Marks: 150
- Language: Marathi and English
- Time: 2 Hr
- Type of Question Paper: MCQ
6) Paper 6(General Studies 4):
Questions asked in this paper are based on Economy Agriculture as well as science and Technology and Disaster Management. There are 5 fixed questions based on Disaster Management in the General Studies 4 paper.
- Marks: 150
- Language: Marathi and English
- Time: 2 Hr
- Type of Question Paper: MCQ
MPSC Interview
Interview -100 marks
MPSC interview is the last and most important stage from an MPSC point of view. The MPSC interview was held at Mumbai, Pune, Nashik, Aurangabad, Nagpur.
- Panel: The MPSC interview panel consists of 3 to 4 members
- Questions: MPSC interviews ask questions about factual issues as well as your attitude towards something(your viewpoint).
The two types of questions you are asked in the MPSC interview are factual issues as well as your attitude towards something(your viewpoint). Factual questions are about your educational qualifications, what are your hobbies, and questions about current news. Also, ask questions about your opinion on some issues in Maharashtra or some of them in India.
Class One and Class Two posts are filled in the MPSC examination
MPSC Posts List CLASS 1 :
- Deputy Collector
- Deputy Superintendent of Police (DySP)
- Assistant Commissioner Sales Tax
- Deputy Registrar Cooperative Societies
- Deputy Chief Executive Officer
- Superintendent State Excise Deptt
- Block Development Officer (BDO) – A
- Finance, Audit & Accounts Service – Group A
- Chief Officer, Nagar Palika / Nagar Parishad – A
- Tahsildar
MPSC Posts List CLASS 2
- Block Development Officer (BDO) – B
- Chief Officer, Nagar Palika / Nagar Parishad – B
- Mantralaya Section Officer
- Sub-registrar Cooperative Societies – B
- Taluka Inspector of Land Records(TILR)
- Deputy superintendent State Excise Deptt
- Finance, Audit & Accounts Service – Group B
- Assistant Regional Transport Officer (ARTO)
- Nayab Tahasildar